

Sunday, March 24, 2013

On the Way to Jerusalem

     Well, Lent is almost over and I did not get the blogs out that I had hoped to. So, I will just share with you the journey so far as I have walked the journey to Jerusalem with Jesus day by day.

     I first want to thank Fr. Mark Toups for the awesome "Journey to Jerusalem" retreat manual!  You can find more on him and his materials on I just realized it is also on audio on this website...sorry.  

     So the journey began after Jesus spent 40 days in the desert and then was tempted by satan.  In these last four weeks I have walked daily and placed myself in the scriptures and carefully watched, listened, been a part of what was happening in some of them and got in touch with what was stirring in my heart.  Wow!  Has it been a journey of the heart, Jesus' that is.