Dear Friends,
Wishing you all a blessed Christmas!
As I was reflecting upon this blessed and holy event and all that was done to prepare for it throughout Advent, God allowed me to enter into it, see and experience it thorough the eyes of the! I have really seen the depth of God's love for us and even more amazing... God's humility that He, the Creator, submited Himself totally into the hands of His creation. Even more beautiful was the experience of seeing the Trinity deciding upon how to handle our Salvation and choosing and preparing Mary for it. I experienced the Trinity's anticipation of waiting for the moment that would change all of our lives...her fiat! Think about it. The Trinity watched and waited 13-16 years, depending on how old Mary actually was at the Annunciation, for this great moment to come. Then at the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit Jesus left the perfect place and was placed in the womb of His mother where He would grow into His humanity as she grew in love with Jesus and into the divinity within her.
I begin to realize at a deeper level that this is what happens to us each time we go to Mass and receive the Eucharist! Jesus is awaiting with anticipation for our yes, the great Amen, so He can become enfleshed within us, to help us grow into the divinity within us as well, and He, if we allow Him, to continue to grow in His humanity in, with and through us.
May we all experience the Annunciation and Christmas at every Mass!
Pray for our Priest, Deacons, Seminarians, and Religious!
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pray for us!