

Monday, May 18, 2015

Disciples of Christ by Father Walter Nolte

          As disciples of Christ we are commissioned with an important task. We have been sent on mission into the world to reveal to it the truth of God’s unconditional love for us, and thereby lead it back to the Shepherd. What an awesome invitation Jesus has extended to us! He has asked us to share in His mission to make the Father visible to all the nations.
       Unfortunately, our memories are short. We have forgotten the task at hand and the sanctity of our mission. We have allowed ourselves to be evangelized by the world rather than for us to be its evangelist. We have encountered a crisis of faith that must be met with the mercy and truth of the Cross if it is to be overcome.
       In Jesus we see the merger of heaven and earth: the meeting place of humanity and divinity. In him we find the strength we need to fulfill our mission. Jesus is one with the Father, and His holiness flows from this perfect unity. It’s precisely this unity of heart that Jesus desires for His disciples as He sends them out into the world. It’s precisely this holiness in which He desires us to be consecrated.
       It’s time for us to reclaim our unique identity as evangelists and accept that we have been set apart for greater things. Jesus has equipped us with all the necessary tools. He has given us His love and His love is more powerful than the world. He brought this love with Him into our humanity and even carried it into death so the world might be redeemed through it. His love is the salve that will draw out the poison of our sin and despondency to our missionary mandate.
       God does not require us to be successful in our evangelical endeavor. Rather, he asks us to be obedient to His call and to step out in faith and to follow him wherever he may lead us. Thus, through our obedience He will be successful in leading souls to the heart of the Father.
Go and make a difference in the world!