

Thursday, May 28, 2015

What do you want me to do for you?

Mark 10:46-52

What do you want me to do for you?

I watch the crowd around Bartimaeus yelling at him to be quiet as he yells louder and louder for Jesus.  My heart is moved at this mans determination to get Jesus’ attention.  He absolutely has no intention of giving into the crowds wishes. He has no fear  to make it known or no doubt that Jesus will hear him.  So, despite all of his circumstances, he continues to cry out.  I see Jesus take notice and begins moving toward him and I notice Jesus's face has such compassion on it.  I see that Bartimaeus’ desire seems to have really drawn Jesus;  his desire is so deep. I also notice that Jesus is focused only on Bartimaeus.  It doesn't matter to Jesus what the crowd thinks of this beggar.  Bartimaeus reaches Jesus despite of all his circumstances.   I watch as Jesus asks Bartimaeus what he wants Jesus to do for him and Bartimaeus says he wants to see.  Jesus simply says, "Go on your way; your faith has healed you."  Bartimaeus, once blind can now see!  By his faith he asked for what he wanted and received it. The crowd was silent and in amazement.  In my heart I am thinking, is my faith that deep? Do I believe Jesus wants to do the same for me?  Jesus then turns and fixes his gaze upon me.  He begins to move closer.  My heart is pounding with anticipation as he comes. Jesus, now standing in front of me, pauses and looks into my eyes as if to just take all of me in, he then smiles and says, "My beloved, what do you want me to do for you?"  

After meditating, I suggest listening to either of these songs or both

I Lift My Hands by Chris Tomlin or

Lord, I Need You by Matt Maher