

Sunday, April 28, 2013

A New Heaven and a New Earth

I want to share this article with you from Father Nolte.  There is much to ponder over and pray with here.

Rev. Walter L. Nolte

I saw a new heaven and a new earth…

The scripture passages for the Easter season recount the disciples’ encounters with the risen Christ. Jesus appears to them time and time again so that their understanding of the Incarnation could gain a more solid footing in their hearts.
Jesus attempts to teach them that the Resurrection is about transformation of heart. It is not merely a transition from one world to the next, moving from one form of existence to the next. Our bodies with their wounds and imperfections are not prison cells from which we are meant to escape. Rather, they are places where our Savior intends to dwell. They are points of transformation. They are vessels which have the potential to render great peace if we unite to them to the wounds of Christ.
The goal of our living in this world is not to escape from it but rather for us to live within it transformed by the grace and mercy of the Resurrection. Ask Jesus to place in your heart a deeper share and understanding of what His Resurrection means for you. Once you have this you will indeed be fully alive in Christ. The new heaven will come to meet you and dwell within you.
God bless,
Father Nolte