

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Nature Obeys

     Today in my prayer time I was drawn to all the activity in my little backyard of the birds, squirrels, and rabbits.  I was so taken in by the mere fact that they just do what they are supposed to. There is no questioning, reasoning, or just simply trying to get out of doing something they do not really want to do. And they truly are totally dependent upon what God provides just like it says in Mt. 6:26-34.
     It is mating time in the animal world and there is also already some new little ones about.  As I watched these creatures it made me see that if we really obeyed God in all things and relied totally upon his provenience we too would have new and more life.
     The animals have no choice but to obey. Our Father gave us the choice so how much more then we should want to.  He trusted us enough to seek him and his plans for us.  That speaks very loudly of how much he loves us to give us the freedom to choose to love him back.
     It brought up the dialogue with the Father of asking him to show me ways I might be blocking new life within me through a disobedience or simply not responding to his providence.